Reason for dissappearing

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Dante Andel
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Reason for dissappearing

Post by Dante Andel »

I’m sorry for disappearing off on you all whilst you were dealing with the nameless and not letting you all know about it but I had my reasons as to why I had to leave.

Going back to the short amount of time I spent over in Maine with you guys I got a call from some….. Acquaintances of my late grandfather, calling about some business that he had with them that my gramps left me to deal with, what follows is a shortened down version of the call just before I left.


“Dante long time no talk, how are you” The voice was one I knew well, he had been a “friend” of my grandfather’s for quite some time providing him with multiple hard to get good’s and info over the years that only certain government facilities would have, and you can get three guesses as to what his government funded organisation specialised in.

“What is it Mathieu, I‘m rather busy at the moment”

“Oh I know you are, off gallivanting about dealing with crack pots and fools in the US all whilst leaving your sister to mourn of your Grandfathers passing on her own. You know for one that spends a lot of his spare time on a PC you really aren’t that cracked up at protecting it now are you”

“Okay first of all that spare time is spent doing work for money to pay rent and stuff, not that you would ever know about work seeing as you got a nice cushy government job from yer eldest brother and second of all what the hell were you doing in my house and on my machine”

“Hmmmm oh we were just looking for something your grandfather owes us, but seeing as I phoned you up I think you can safely agree we never found it, which leaves one last place it can be or should I say person it can be with. Now what say you for returning the small trinket he gave you and I wont have to bother you anymore, aye?”

Now I’m not a complete idiot, out of everything my Grandfather owned he told me to specifically keep this one thing, this trinket of sorts, safe after he passed on which means this unassuming metal ingot had some value, maybe not physically but more than likely magically which was odd seeing as my sister couldn’t pick up on anything while she checked some things up on it.

“I’ve a better idea, how bout you leave me alone and I don’t give you the trinket and leave it at that, considering gramps told me to keep this safe personally after he died I’m pretty sure nothing you could offer would get me to change my mind.”

Of course what I heard next shocked me tremendously, Mathieu although a complete jerk had never given off that he was capable of murder or physical torture as he seemed more like that of a lawyer always hiding behind his fancy law jargon than to go near anything that could incriminate him.

“Tch tch your right I probably don’t have anything worth trading so let’s take a more direct approach, I get that trinket or I feed your Sister to one of our new projects and then let her become our newest pet project, how’s that sound I mean you could follow the fool’s wishes and keep it safe but can you have your sisters death and then creation into an unloving, uncaring weapon at my beck and call, and her first assignment will be to find and eliminate you, m’kay?”

“You’re a complete…. No even they don’t stoop down that far, you harm even one hair on her head and I can guarantee it’ll be the last….”

“last what? Girl I’ll have killed? Weapon I have created? I didn‘t raise this pathetic excuse for a research department up from the dirt by playing nice now. Your only chance here is to get me that trinket in 24 hours or your sister’s coming after you. I’ll have some men stationed at your house to collect you when you return kay.”

It was about then that he hung up on me, I couldn’t ask anyone here to help me with this as of the problems that were happening and I couldn’t even talk to the spirits that are normally around for advice as they seemed to be gone. So I took the last option I could think on and took off, along with one of Bert’s shirts (don’t worry it’s still safe and in one piece) that I was borrowing at the time due to mine being slightly bloodied, to save my sister from whatever it was that Mathieu had in mind.


Anyways I have to go take care of some other business just now I'll post the rest later.
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Post by Kolya »

That is quite a story.

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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Wow! Damn! And you can keep the shirt if ya want.

You should've said something though. I would've gone and helped you out.
Dym, Ваша боль будет вечна
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Post by Kolya »

Yea, caught me at a bad time. Things are gearing up for me.

Free time? Not in the foreseeable future.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

You should have asked I could have helped if not directly than by giveing you backup. I wish you would have asked.
To find the darkness you have walk in the shadows.
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Post by Kolya »

Next time, ask ;)
С волками жить, по-волчьи выть.
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Post by Holister »

Hey, I'm sorry bout the shirt. We got it cleaned for ya', but then we kind of started usin' it for a cleanin' rag at the station. Sorry :D I have a nce Jimmy Buffet Tour shirt to replace it with. :P
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
Dante Andel
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Post by Dante Andel »

Thanks guys I know I should of at least told you all of what was happening but yeah I thought I could handle this on my own.


Once the plane I was on had landed in Heathrow I dashed as fast as I could through the crowds to the terminal exit in hopes of grabbing a cab before most of the crowd showed up and avoiding any traffic jams as well. I nearly made it out the front door without a hold up as well till I heard a voice over the crowds.

“Look’s like I chose the right ‘port after all.”

Turning round to face where the voice came from I seen, well his names Colt and he’s my God father of sorts, about 6’3” tall, dark hair, wears overly priced clothing because he can and has to keep up appearances for his business, we also have no idea what he is exactly.

“Now you just going to stand there or do I get a proper hello.”

“ughh I don’t have time for this Colt I have to get home an….”

“And hand over a random trinket to some idiot, which I’m guessing is a stone this time, an in the process get you and your sister killed, hmmm real smart plan that. Did you not learn anything with the time you spent with your grandfather?”

I gave him one hell of a dirty look for that remark, though it never occurred to me to ask how he knew about the trinket and Mathieu. Course Colt just waved his hand and ignored my look at that point before asking me to follow him.

“I’ll need to explain something first before I tell ya how were going to rescue Sophia, oh an you still got the trinket?”

Nodding in reply to his question I took the ingot out from my pocket to show him before returning it to my pocket with my hand clenched tightly around it.

“Hmmm always thought it would have been a rock or something this time. Anyway like I said an explanation, that ingot you got there is technically a living creature that helps whatever it’s bonded with at the time by stopping the excess energy from their hosts soul escaping, thus forcing the trinkets host to make full use of their soul and using the energy in a more… constructive manner instead of just letting it all float about looking bright and colourful.

Course you see the problem lies when it isn‘t in a creatures body that has a soul, it will still try and hold onto soul energy from the next closest soul to survive but not actually help it in any way and…….. well have you noticed any spirits or anything since you got back?”

Taking a quick look around I realised that there weren’t any spirits or I couldn’t see them, either way I must of began panicking as the next thing I remember is Colt holding me by the shoulders telling me everything’s going to be okay and that he would fix it.

After that everything’s kinda blurry for a bit and I don’t remember much though what I do will have to wait for another time.
Dante Andel
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Post by Dante Andel »

As my mind had started to regain consciousness I heard bits of a phone conversation that Colt was having with someone who I shortly found out was Mathieu.

.............Neutral ground..............harm the girl.........two a whole world of pain..........Glad you agree.

As Colt closed his phone with a snap I bolted upright and realised I was in the passenger seat of a rather expensive car, which knowing Colt wasn't really that unusual, with my mouth running off 20 questions a second.

Whats the time? where are we? Is Sophia safe? Who the hell were you on the phone to?

And so on, I think you get the idea as to how I was without me really typing up all the questions.

Calm down already only 2 hours has past and we had to make a stop off at my place and make sure the trinket would be someplace safe and... oh I said don't panic it's right here.

With that he tapped me on my chest with his left hand before I lifted the shirt I was wearing up, an staring back at me was a nice new scar from where Colt had pressed.

Now if we're lucky what happened to your grandfather should happen to you, aswell as your sight returning to you faster than is normal. If were unlucky you'll probably spontaneously combust in about six's months either way Mathieu wont be able to get the trinket off of us for awhile.

Looking up at Colt I would of been rather stressed at finding out I have a possible death sentence pretty much dropped on my lap but I was still trying to figure out how he planned to get Sophia from harms way, an as if he had read my mind Colt proceeded to explain his "plan".

I managed to convince Mathieu to meet us at a neutral location, I have no idea if its me or the trinket he's afraid of but after a well placed threat of bodily harm he caved way to easily and agreed to meet us at an old abandoned factory not to far from him though it's least an hours drive for us

Won't he be able to set up an ambush of sorts before we get there then? I mean with all that time we may aswell just go straight to his lab..

Would you let me finish first, good now as you pointed out he's going to have plenty of time to set up an ambush for us and if we were stupid enough we would walk into it and bam he gets three new test subjects, which is something I would much rather avoid becoming. But we need him to set one up other wise when I call in the cavalry we're going to die in the process..... well you an Sophia will I'll probably be tortured and other wonderful things that I would likewise much rather avoid.

As Colt explained his oh so wonderful plan I began to feel rather sick, death by spontaneous combustion, death by experimentation from Mathieu or our own ambush fails and I was going to get killed by whatever it was Colt was going to call up for support.
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Location: In Between the Supernatural and the Innocent

Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Wow. You really, really should've had us come and help. I would've dropped whatever I was doing and come to help ya.
Dym, Ваша боль будет вечна
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Post by Holister »

Bert_the_Turtle wrote:Wow. You really, really should've had us come and help. I would've dropped whatever I was doing and come to help ya.

Yeah dropped everything; a few dozen flashbangs, some grenades, a few sticks of dynamite, a couple blocks of C-4, a few dozen blastin' cap, maybe some HE, a few motar shells, some flares, a couple vials of nitro, a few thousand rounds of ammo, and maybe one Bowie knife. (I peeked in the orange duffle once :D)
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
Dante Andel
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Post by Dante Andel »

Pulling up into the abandoned industrial estate the sun had already begun to set casting long shadows off all the buildings giving the place a rather eerie feel to it. Getting out of the car Colt made his way round to the boot and popped it open before telling me to not go near the shadows, like I was going to just randomly decide to wander off at a time like this anyway.

“Okay when we get in there chances are that Mathieu isn’t going to want to kid around so we will need to try and stall him till help arrives which shouldn‘t take to long anyway”

“And this help would be coming from where exactly” I asked whilst I moved round the car to see what he was getting from the boot. “That’s all we have, that’s barely enough to create a decent distraction never mind kill Mathieu.”

“That would be because we aren’t planning on killing Mathieu or sticking around to find out if he has been killed, first priority is to get you and Sophia out of here, we’ll deal with that poor excuse for a man later okay? Plus half of these things I have no idea what they are, now grab your ankh and lets go”

Grabbing my Ankh I once again voiced my question of where the help was going to be coming from before I noticed a loose knife laying with all the other bit's and bob's in the back of the car, which I quickly pocketed aswell.

“Ah yes the help, let me see hmmm.”
kneeling down Colt picked up a small piece of a broken slab before turning round quickly and throwing it far across to the, likewise abandoned, office block at the far side of the estate. A perfect throw aswell the stone came crashing down onto one of the ground floor window’s shattering it. “There we go now lets get a move on.”

Looking at Colt slightly dumbfounded before switching my gaze to the broken window and back at Colt again, only to realise he had begun walking off towards the factory, I yelled at him rather loudly. “What the hell, how’s that going to help us in anyway short of letting you show off your skill at throwing random rocks over a lengthy distance.”

Colt allowed me to carry on my rant for a short while before silencing me with a wave of his hand.

“You did notice that the Ground and first floor windows over there are completely blocked up from the inside with thick curtains and tables so much that you can’t see in there right? An if you can’t see in that means light probably wont get in and what’s afraid of the light, Vampires. Also explains why this place has never been redeveloped, they kill everyone that tries to demolish or reclaim this area for the living and that’s why we ain’t sticking around to get Mathieu

Now shut up about it as we don‘t know where Mathieu‘s men are positioned”

Walking beside Colt as we made our way over to the factory entrance I hung my head muttering to myself how this was going to be my tome, that I was going to die before the new year had even begun and that I wasn’t even going to have lived a decent life, never mind a full one… Aswell as if we did somehow make it I was going to be ripping Colt’s head off for coming up with such a moronic plan as to rely on leech’s to show up and aid us.
Dante Andel
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Post by Dante Andel »

Sorry I have been neglecting this, but some problems came up with a lech of a copper, some tooth ache and my new job, all of which have left me rather flat out tired/in pain and no time to recall what happend next.

Promise I'll get it all up soon before I supposedly burst into flames and die a painfull death from spontanaous combustion.
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