My experiences as a Police Officer

Accounts of personal experiences, especially from those who hunt the supernatural. We offer this space in hopes that our members can hear about, and learn from, the exploits of others.
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Officer D.
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My experiences as a Police Officer

Post by Officer D. »

I don’t know much about spirits, magic and all that other bullshit, but it’s real. My partner and I have come across more weird shit than we care mention. Maybe you folks can give us some answers. I’ll start with our first run in about 10 years ago. We received a 911 call for domestic violence. It seems the wife was getting the crap kicked out of her by her husband. Well it seems she had had enough. When we got there all was quite. We did our usual thing and of course got no answer. That’s when we used our mags to “knock” a little louder. No more than a few seconds later we could hear the shatter of a window breaking, so we busted in. Well lets just say when we walked in there was a blood bath. There was blood everywhere. We expected to find the wife, but it was the husband! His guts were all over the place and some looked half eaten and arm had been chewed off for god’s sake! His mid-section was gutted like a pig and his face was frozen in terror. I’ve been on the force for some time and have seen my share of blood, but I lost my lunch this time. My partner helped me regain my composure and pointed out the blood trail. What ever had slain our suspected wife beater leaped out a second story window to the ally. When we got to the window there was more screaming from the ally. It was a bum who had taken shelter for the night. My partner and I both darted for the door and arrived in the ally a minute or so later. We asked him if he saw anything. For Christ’s sake, he said it was a Werewolf! He said the thing landed next to him in the ally and was about to rip into him when we poked our heads out the window. He said it bolted into the train yard across the street. We ended up following the bloody trail which led into a warehouse by the tracks.
At this point we called for back-up. The crime scene needed to be locked down so CSU could do there thing. My partner and I then headed towards the warehouse. Of course the thing had been abandoned for about 20 years; there were busted windows and a million places for anyone to get in and out of. Fortunately it was a full moon so we had a good light source. Full moon, werewolf’s…bullshit I thought. Oh would I be wrong.
My partner and I circled around the building trying to corner this crazy bastard. Werewolf my ass, it had to be some psycho, or a junkie who couldn’t get his next fix. My partner was the first to spot something. Over the radio he told me he heard what sounded like bone crunching. That’s when I heard him scream! My partner is a 20 year vet. This guy has seen all kinds of shit, so I figured it had to be bad. To make matters worse I heard shots fired. I called it in right away and headed to my partner, guided by his cries and the gunshots. I arrived to one messed up scene. In one corner was a transient, obviously dead, as the head was barely hanging on. We’d find out later that the throat had been practically ripped out. My partner was switching clips and this guy in Chewbacca costume was moving towards my partner. He was screaming at me to shot it and believe me I did draw down on…it! I was stunned as my partner emptied his clip center mass and this thing hardly flinched! When I regained my senses I opened up, but too late as it was on my partner and I dared not shot. Luck combine with a flack vest probably saved my partner. This thing took a couple of good swings ripping my partners uniform to shreds, then it tossed him on his ass like he was a rag doll. You have to understand that my partner stands 6’2’’ and weighs 290 pounds plus. I was just about to fire when the sounds of automatic fire echoed throughout the warehouse. Three guys two with Uzi’s opened up on this thing and really pissed it off. It was bleeding pretty good, this third guy I couldn’t figure out what he was doing but for some reason this thing couldn’t get close to the guys with the automatics. It like some force was keeping it back. The thing finally dropped and I told the vigilante trio to freeze. I remember one of the guys with the Uzi saying that should be the last of them. I was just about to order them to lower there weapons when I got this weird feeling like I knew these guys and I found myself lowering my sidearm. They convinced me that everything was ok and before I knew it they were gone. Time seemed to stand still for a few minutes when my partner snapped me out of it. This was the strangest night of my life, but at least we had a body as proof, or so I thought. Our werewolf must have reverted back to its human form because we had a naked body of a woman full of bullet holes.
Of course the coroner determined cause of death was massive gunshot trauma. At least it wasn’t our bullets in her. We were told later that over 50 silver bullets were pulled from the body. Coincidently, the attack on the husband was attributed to some vicious dog attacks. A couple of pit bulls were rounded up and euthanized. My partner and I were just stunned from the whole experience and needless to say we didn’t breathe a word of it. The consequences of the truth would have put us in the loony bin. We covered it up pretty good. Hey, I had no choice. I have a family to think of and being locked up or suspended won’t help them. Well let’s just say that was the tip of the iceberg. More weird shit has happened to us in the last ten years and this seems the place to get it off my chest.

This stuff is real!

Officer D.
Posts: 29
Joined: Sun Jan 23, 2005 2:24 pm

Post by Geronimus »

Pulled them out??? Good grief man, check the damned body, better make sure it stayed dead. next time, you burn that thing to cinders when it goes down, okay?
There be monsters here...
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Basic rule of this business . . . if there's something left over it ain't dead.
Last edited by Ron Caliburn on Fri Nov 26, 2010 8:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
Officer D.
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Post by Officer D. »

I was a rookie back then. I've learned a few tricks since. Still, since I've been stuck on midnights to eight, all the weird stuff seems to happen. I might need some advice from time to time.

Officer D.
A. Pendragon
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Post by A. Pendragon »

any time you feel as if you need advice, just give us a buzz here. I have seen alot when I use to work for her majestys crown and now that I have gone solo, I seem to see "alot" more.
Fear the night because the night doesn't fear YOU!!!
Something that I have learned in my life: The dead just dont stay dead.
Freedom isn't as free as we have been taught!
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Glad you made it through the start of the learning curve, most of us don't.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Re: My experiences as a Police Officer

Post by Holister »

Wow, this one was the first War Story. I never read that far back until now. I have alot of respect for this guy. I know first hand the reaction that an LEO has when they first confront the supernatural.

I wonder how he's doing now.
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
Ron Caliburn
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Re: My experiences as a Police Officer

Post by Ron Caliburn »

Been a while since he's posted. You're a little closer to New Hartford than the rest of us, why don't you take a look for him?
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
Posts: 58
Joined: Fri Oct 08, 2010 10:26 am

Re: My experiences as a Police Officer

Post by Chalice »

Wait, so there are cops that believe us. I can see why most of 'em don't, but still.
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