Memory recovery

A place to seek help, or to offer services, dealing with the paranormal.
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Location: Portsmith, VA

Memory recovery

Post by VermisVictus »

My name is Bill. I've had reaccuring episodes of "lost time" since I was young, and recently had an encounter that I can only identify as a classic "alien abduction".
As of now I am only labeling "alien" because what happened to me is way beyond my realm of understanding. It certainly wasn't "mundane".

My experience included remote paralysis, abduction to unknown location (craft?), possible empathic and telepathic communication, memory loss, and at least one close encounter with an unidentified type of humanoid.
I'm still unsure about that last one.

If anyone can spare the time, or knows someone in my area, I'm asking for help recovering my memories. Or possibly someone who can help me investigate my house and surrounding area.

I want to know what happened, and ultimately why. Why me?
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Post by Shadowstalker »

If you would like I could have some people who may be able to help? PM me and I can set up a meet.
To find the darkness you have walk in the shadows.
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Location: Portsmith, VA

Post by VermisVictus »

I sent you a PM with my address, and some good directions on how to find my place. A word to the wise: don't use Mapquest to find anything in PA, it's hopeless.

In order to explain my absence to my neighbor I told him I went on a road trip with some old friends for a few days. He's a little peeved but he'll get over it. He's a good guy, he got by on the farm without me. He's almost 80 and still going strong!

Anyway, things seem pretty much back to normal around here. No more strange lights or anything. I just hope it stays that way.
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Post by Kolya »

Can you check in, please?

it has been a while.
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