A new player?

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A new player?

Post by Cybermancer »

Just a little something I came across.

They stalk among us.
They are stronger than you.
They are faster than you.
But contrary to what they'd have you believe,
They are not smarter than you.
And it was people just like you,
Who with sleepless nights,
And wild-eyed days,
That created me.
I hunt those that stalk.
They have come to know fear.

-Found spray painted in an alley way that was the scene where police found both the last victem and perpetrator of the Wildman Slaughter killing spree.

Vigilante or warrior poet?
Threat or savior?
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Vigilante or warrior poet?

Post by WonderingMind »

Sounds like a ware-wolf hunter with a literary bent is on the loose. I wish them luck…
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Someone else hunting he beasts instead of wasting time coddling and studying them. Good.

But he claims he was "created" . . . what the heck?
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Delta Sierra
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Post by Cybermancer »

Well, he could be speaking in metaphor. He could mean that the fears of others created him--made him (or her) What they are today.

Then again, wild eyed days does bring to mind mad sceintists in their labs.

It is at least theoretically possible to create humans using cloning techniques. Select manipulation and selection of genes could produce desired results.

A long term project going back generations could accomplish the same thing.

Alternatively, they've had some amazing breakthroughs in the area of prosthetics.

Really, if this is some form of 'created' augmented human, there are many ways it could be accomplished.

Until evidence suggests otherwise, I'm of the mind that it's a metaphor.

Some background on the Wildman Slaughter:

It happened in Michigan and Ontario. The killings were particularily nasty, with the victims torn apart in a brutal fashion. Both the perp and last victim were found in Toronto. The perp was found riddled with .50 cal magnum rounds. They weren't silver. They were active uranium core. No casings were recovered.
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Elijah Sight
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Post by Elijah Sight »

Active uranium core? Isn't that usually military issue ammunition? Might we be looking at an escaped military project?
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Active Uranium . . . nope. Depleted uranium, maybe.

Somebody here is playing interesting games.

And is going to get himself a severe case of radiation poisoning.
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Post by Cybermancer »

Well, to be honest, even active uranium is not the boogey-man people think it is. I'd be more afraid of being in the sun too long.

Especially if steps were taken to minimize the danger. Not having the weapon to examine, I don't know what may have been done, but I know how I would do it. Lead lined magazines, casings, pistol grip and upper receiver would go a long way to protect the shooter.

I don't actually have the rounds themselves to examine, I only know that they were active uranium core. It could be that the bullet itself has lead in it.

Making such rounds could be tricky if one didn't know what one was doing. My guess is that this person has some sort of support. And likely a budget.
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Elijah Sight
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Post by Elijah Sight »

I'll have my military contacts check into any large purchases of these rounds, perhaps any thefts of them.
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Post by Cybermancer »

Well good luck with that, Elijah Sight, but something tells me these aren't the kind of rounds someone buys at the local gun store or picks up at the Quarter Master. They're neither a caliber nor composition you find in most military hardware.
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Willie Long
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Post by Willie Long »

Cybermancer wrote:The perp was found riddled with .50 cal magnum rounds. They weren't silver. They were active uranium core. No casings were recovered.

What takes nuclear bullets to kill?
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Post by Cybermancer »

I wish I had an answer for that, but unfortunately I'm getting this information from secondary purposes. It may be a case of overkill.

I'll continue to relay pertinent data as it becomes available.
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Post by NCS »

We have found more information on the nature of DU rounds. This is DEFINATELY millitary.
http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/ ... ons/du.htm

now there have been several report of stolen DU rounds durring the war on terrorism which could have been smuggled in on the black market.
The Watcher In Shadows
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Post by The Watcher In Shadows »

Are you sure those reports are genuine? I have heard about government clonging and DNA experiments but thought that they were just rumours and theories. Looks like they might be true.
Does anyone know of a type of animal or organism that is especially weak against radiation?

Perhaps they are rounds tailored to fight creatures that possess regenerative capabilities?

This could mean that the government has more knowledge of the supernatural than we think.

More things to contemplate.
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Post by Cybermancer »

One thing I have learned from my previous job is that just because it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, doesn't mean it's actually a duck. (Ask any duck hunter with a decoy).

While there is evidence that this new player may be military or government, I hesitate to declare it to be so positively at this point. And I would warn others against jumping to conclusions of any sort. Such exercise can be bad for your health.

There has been a second incident.

This time it happened at a travelling circus. Here are the facts and timeline as best as I have been able to determine.

Just after dark, a lone female 'escort' was taking an evening off and enjoying the festive atmosphere of the circus. She took a short cut between two of the tents where she was stopped by a stranger. She reported the stranger to be thin with tight features about the face. He grabbed her and made as though to bite her when she heard what she described as a 'popping noise'. The stranger fell backwards.

Then a second man, described as very tall and of muscular build brushed by her. She never saw his face but he was dressed in dark/black clothes and had a heavy trench coat. He is beleived to be caucasian with dark hair. After brushing by the girl, the man shot her attacker with a large pistol. Twice in the chest (heart area) and once in the head.

The first shot caught the attacker in the shoulder which may have been the only part of the man that was exposed from behind the girl.

Description of the weapon suggests a silenced Desert Eagle.

The girl then reported the incident to a patrolman walking the grounds. He took notes of her story but didn't take it seriously until she took him to the body.

In the following police confusion, the girl seems to have slipped away somehow. The officer assigned to watch her said one moment she was there, he turned his back, and then she was gone.

Her body turned up the next morning, two puncture marks in her neck and her body drained of blood. A short distance away another body was found, shot twice in the chest and once in the head.

The police have written the incident up as being the result of gang warfare as all of the deceased were known to have connections with organized crime.

Again, any casings were collected before the authorities arrived. Again, the same U-rounds were used.

I am forced to wonder if it is a coincidence that the only witness to the event did not survive long enough to give a detailed acount of the event.

Your thoughts and theories are welcome.
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Dante Andel
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Post by Dante Andel »

This was only an idea I had after reading your first post on this subject but alot of it doesnt add up, still its an idea.

Now I'm not entirely sure how homunculi are created but if I am right it (and I am probably not, so mages, if theres any here your knowledge on the subject would be usefull) would have to deal with a mage using the energy around him to create one and give it only the simpliest of tasks (harass someone, protect an area, scout) so I doubt one mage alone could pull off something as complex as this.

This would mean either alot of people were involved if he is a homunculi or one mage who has been working on one for quite some time (longer than his life would naturaly allow him), as I have never heard of one as complex as this, this could explain the whole "That created me" part in the first case.

This would also solve the fear of radiation poison as he wouldnt be organic as far as I know, just compressed energy.

Course problems with this idea is that can a homunculi actually be made to be as complex as this man as well as exist in a material realm.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Silenced Desert Eagle? This guy likes expensive but not overly effective guns.

Though I suppose a DE would be able to fire a heavy enough round to offset some of the power penalties of subsonic ammunition - but cycling would probably be a problem.
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Delta Sierra
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Post by Cybermancer »

Mr. Caliburn, if you reread the scenerio, you'll see that you're doing the shooter a diservice by referring to his choice of firearm as 'not overly effective'.

Point one: The reported encounter took place in a public area. Out of sight, but not out of hearing range. Silenced rounds are required to maintain a low profile.

Point two: The shooting all took place at POINT BLANK range, as is optimal for silenced ammunition.

Point three: The targets are neutralized.

The shooter in this case does indeed seem to have a budget, but more importantly is obviously a proffesional shooter. Wether trained by the military, other governent organization or organized crime is something that I'll reserve judgement on until I have more information.

As to the comments of some of the others in regards to radiation, I'll say it again, you're in more risk if you spend too much time in the sun....
Hmmm. I wonder if there is a correlation between the allergic reaction some organisms have for the sun and low levels of radiation. Worth looking into I suppose.
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Post by Gothicfox »

Hi ya'll, i'm new here. I'd like to chip on the DE. Its a nice gun if you want to go hunt with it or if you got the strength for it, to carry as a side arm. But someone went through alot of money when they could use a .45 to do the same job for better ammo capacity.

I'm not saying its worthless, but SF (special forces), over looked this weapon as a valued side armed cause its too heavy, the ammo it carries is impractical. And basically, its a metal brick.

Not going to say it dosen't have its worth, but I worked hard with shooting a pistol and I choose DE as my side arm of choice. There's just too much WS (wierd sh_t) out there for me to over look this weapon of mass tissue destruction.

If the story is to be believed, a good gunman wouldn't have gone into hand to hand range with whatever he was gunning down. Too many chances that his target would have fed him that gun. Come on people, its a gun, not a knife, use it like one!
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

The DE is a target and Hunting arm, not a weapon. it is too heavy, the ammunition capacity is too low and it's too unreliable for regular military service. It's also pretty damned expensive to boot.

This may be a guy who's got a big game hunting background or is trying to compensate for a small calibre piece that he normally works with, but in either case, this guy is not a combatant, he uses the wrong tools.
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Delta Sierra
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Post by librarian »

Willie Long wrote:
Cybermancer wrote:The perp was found riddled with .50 cal magnum rounds. They weren't silver. They were active uranium core. No casings were recovered.

What takes nuclear bullets to kill?

From my study of the dark text there are many instances were the writer states that to harness the sun and place it into evil will slow its unhealing, I would take this to mean that in modern context that ado the uranium round could concievable do the same thing.

As for evidence of human manupulation I have found evidence of this in a few alcemist text the text of morceen a english alchemist wrote " the experiment of mercury and lead to the blood of royal soldiers before battle has effect, of hardening the men against attack. but leads to dropsy and malintestinals of the agues.

So this crusader if this what we are going to call him could be using some lost formula. I will keep researching and post any thing on this matter I find
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