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by Legacy
Sun Jan 27, 2008 8:54 pm
Forum: Community Outreach
Topic: Going underground...
Replies: 2
Views: 222

Going underground...

To everyone who we've been helping lately, we wish to apologize. Certain...things have come up, problems more mundane than need to be spoken of here, but problems that demand our full attention immediately. Unfortunately, they're the kinds of problems that are currently going to be forcing us underg...
by Legacy
Sat Jan 26, 2008 11:08 am
Forum: Classifieds
Topic: Greetings
Replies: 28
Views: 1859

My name is Amy McBride, and I'm the owner and chief investigator of the Legacy Investigation Agency in and around Chicago and its suburbs. We've been known to travel for the sake of this group. We perform investigations both mundane and paranormal, to the ends of helping those in need. We're not exp...
by Legacy
Thu Jan 24, 2008 11:40 pm
Forum: Conspiracy Theory, Myth or Reality?
Topic: NASA Coverup Exposed!
Replies: 47
Views: 2344

Guys, I hate to burst your bubbles here, but a few things occur to me as I look at these pictures... 1: If you look at the lower half of the figure, it looks like one solid mass, not like a pair of legs in motion. The upper half does indeed look like the blurry photos of Bigfoot...but at that resolu...
by Legacy
Mon Jan 21, 2008 11:34 pm
Forum: Community Outreach
Topic: Back on Board!!
Replies: 416
Views: 51042

We're trying to look into every lead we can to prove conspiracy against her, and consequently prove her innocence in a lot of the previous incidents, but it's been hard going. These kids are practically professionals at covering their tracks... I've seen repeat murderers leave more of a trail behind.
by Legacy
Mon Jan 21, 2008 11:30 pm
Forum: Community Outreach
Topic: Possible Undeath covered up?
Replies: 4
Views: 291

Bloodbane could endure sunlight, but only for short periods... It still caused him pain.

We still miss him...
by Legacy
Sun Jan 20, 2008 9:03 am
Forum: Community Outreach
Topic: The Egg Hatched.....Send Help!!!
Replies: 63
Views: 3368

[Amy and Mitch, here.]

We would go, but that sounds more to do with heavy combat and less to do with investigations... In other words, out of our league.

I'm sorry, Mr. Holister, but we'd just be in the way.
by Legacy
Wed Jan 09, 2008 10:56 pm
Forum: Community Outreach
Topic: Mr. Caliburn...
Replies: 19
Views: 1642

It's Shade... Mass sacrifice???!!!??? How many people are we talking about?!? *** Hey, guys, it's Lily! Sorry we didn't respond sooner, but we've been up to our noses down here. Glad to hear you and Mitch are doing alright. Hopefully your investigations around Ms. Hannah will go better than that one...
by Legacy
Tue Jan 08, 2008 12:48 am
Forum: Community Outreach
Topic: Mr. Caliburn...
Replies: 19
Views: 1642

Amy, here. Mitch is still kind of out of it, so I'm going to share what I know with everyone. Mr. Caliburn, thank you again for finding us. I don't know all the details, but apparently, this past weekend, there was an entity which was calling an unpleasant number of homeless persons away from their ...
by Legacy
Fri Dec 28, 2007 8:06 pm
Forum: Community Outreach
Topic: Something I am learning about one of us...
Replies: 92
Views: 5525

Frankly, I'm surprised you didn't come back online to gloat over your near-victory over us on Halloween. The only reason we survived was because your pal Windner keeled over alluvasudden, and you got kicked out of that borrowed body...and then Mitch set up that anti-astral energy field, or whatever ...
by Legacy
Fri Dec 28, 2007 7:55 pm
Forum: Community Outreach
Topic: Mr. Caliburn...
Replies: 19
Views: 1642

I, uhm... I know it was a Holiday Inn... Shade can't remember which one she said it was, either.

I know they were taking a taxi into the Blight to check out what they could.
by Legacy
Fri Dec 28, 2007 12:00 am
Forum: Community Outreach
Topic: Mr. Caliburn...
Replies: 19
Views: 1642

Mr. Caliburn...

It's Lily. Is everything all right up there? Amy and Mitch haven't checked in for two days. They don't answer their phones. Shade and me are a little worried. They said they'd only stayed with you guys for a couple days before transferring everything they'd had to a hotel, so I know you might not ha...
by Legacy
Thu Dec 20, 2007 11:46 pm
Forum: Community Outreach
Topic: Back on Board!!
Replies: 416
Views: 51042

Just checking in briefly... Still working on investigations into the situation with Hannah, here. We've been hearing of a number of unexplainable and grotesque murders around the DC area... Apparently, the local law enforcement thinks it's some kind of wild animal, since the victims were homeless va...
by Legacy
Mon Dec 17, 2007 11:03 pm
Forum: Community Outreach
Topic: Back on Board!!
Replies: 416
Views: 51042

Mr. Skinner, while I cannot vouch for everyone else's feeling on the matter, *our* current goal is to prove young Hannah's innocence in a situation where her antagonists are *constantly* catching her out of the camera's eyes, and making her look like a troublemaker. If we uncover something supernatu...
by Legacy
Sun Dec 16, 2007 2:02 pm
Forum: War Stories
Topic: Our Halloween...
Replies: 5
Views: 450

Mitch here, yo! (Sorry, Willie!) So liek, I watched the whole fight. I still don't like thinking about it. Lily and Amy are tough fighters. And they kinda got their asses handed to 'em on a platter. They did last a helluvalot longer than they should've if they were ordinary folks. Malakai looked lik...
by Legacy
Sun Dec 16, 2007 11:24 am
Forum: Community Outreach
Topic: Back on Board!!
Replies: 416
Views: 51042

Excellent. We'll be flying out tonight, then, and hopefully, we *can* get everyone taken care of.
by Legacy
Sun Dec 16, 2007 8:07 am
Forum: Community Outreach
Topic: Back on Board!!
Replies: 416
Views: 51042

Alright, we've all talked about it, and pending agreements from both parties, here's the way we've planned everything at this time. Lily and Shade will fly down to help Mr. Franks. Lily doesn't need my help to conduct a full investigation, and since we know for a fact that the paranormal is involved...
by Legacy
Sat Dec 15, 2007 2:32 pm
Forum: Community Outreach
Topic: Back on Board!!
Replies: 416
Views: 51042

We agree with Bert... Besides, we have no other major projects within our league that we can work on. Our current job is something that's going to have to wait, due to the weather... We'll get on it as soon as we can, but in the meantime, we're getting kind of tired of throwing things at the dartboa...
by Legacy
Sat Dec 15, 2007 2:25 pm
Forum: Community Outreach
Topic: Back on Board!!
Replies: 416
Views: 51042

We wouldn't need to be *in* the school to conduct our investigation. We'd need only to go through official channels to get permission to set up additional surveillance. I find it a little hard to believe that they don't have hidden surveillance, themselves, in this day and age. It seems like all the...
by Legacy
Sat Dec 15, 2007 2:20 pm
Forum: Community Outreach
Topic: Back on Board!!
Replies: 416
Views: 51042

Mr. Caliburn, would our presence be appreciated at all? Shade can perform feats such as KT was describing, when he was a shadow, and both Lily and myself can make a more official investigation. We can check with some of our contacts in the legal departments, and find out if there's someone trustwort...
by Legacy
Wed Dec 12, 2007 10:49 pm
Forum: Classifieds
Topic: Please help...
Replies: 51
Views: 2961

Mr. Franks, we have had experience getting one of the Society members out of trouble with authorities when she was suspected of something a paranormal...monstrosity had done. We're not lawyers, but we can get the job done. For now, it sounds like the police are content to simply make up stories, but...
by Legacy
Tue Nov 13, 2007 1:55 am
Forum: War Stories
Topic: Our Halloween...
Replies: 5
Views: 450

Our Halloween...

Amy here. We all ended up discussing a lot about what to do about posting in regards to our Halloween night. Josh is right; we fought Windner that night, along with Malakai... Malakai escaped alive; Windner's corpse not so much. We would've posted sooner, but when we saw first Pendragon, then Michae...
by Legacy
Sat Nov 03, 2007 11:55 am
Forum: Community Outreach
Topic: Sitting in a behind my wall...
Replies: 15
Views: 916

Amy here...

I understand there were a number of casualties involved in all of this. Our condolences to everyone who lost someone this week...
by Legacy
Fri Nov 02, 2007 1:55 am
Forum: War Stories
Topic: Halloween With the Boys
Replies: 113
Views: 6322

Heyo, Mitch here!

Hey Willie that wasn't a foreign language! :P Gotta get with the times man! LOLOLOLzorz! ZOMG RTFM N00B!zorz (jk btw!) (zorz)
by Legacy
Fri Nov 02, 2007 1:43 am
Forum: Community Outreach
Topic: Sitting in a behind my wall...
Replies: 15
Views: 916

Shade here. I'm betting he risked a lot as it was. I was reading his posts one night, and I kept hearing music in my head. It was driving me nuts cuz it was always on the edge of my mind, and I couldn't think of what I was hearing... Does anyone else ever get that? Anyway, I went back later and re-r...
by Legacy
Thu Oct 18, 2007 1:48 am
Forum: Agency Voice
Topic: From the Administration to...
Replies: 12
Views: 904

Happy birthday, Shadow, from all of us at Legacy!
by Legacy
Sat Sep 22, 2007 2:13 pm
Forum: War Stories
Topic: Hi, folks.
Replies: 12
Views: 539

We were on a stakeout this week. Exciting stuff. Mitch stayed back in the office playing on the Internet. (EDIT BY MITCH: Hey I wasn't playing!) Lily, Shade and I traded coffee runs while we waited in the car. Sometimes it pays to be a rather unassuming group of girls. It almost always means we get ...
by Legacy
Sat Sep 22, 2007 2:10 pm
Forum: Community Outreach
Topic: Obituaries?
Replies: 39
Views: 1988

Amy, here. We've all decided. We wanna help. Any way we can. Even if Mitch is designated as just coordinating radios, he wants to help, too. If need be, we'll put jobs on hold. Seems like if everything falls through, and Windner wins, there won't be people to pay our bills, anyway. Not to mention, w...
by Legacy
Sat Sep 22, 2007 2:07 pm
Forum: War Stories
Topic: Hi, folks.
Replies: 12
Views: 539

Amy here.

Hey, Hannah. We all appreciate the offer! We got back what was important. We don't need a new computer or to borrow anyone's, but thanks for the sentiment all the same.
by Legacy
Sat Sep 22, 2007 2:06 pm
Forum: War Stories
Topic: Hunter and Hunted
Replies: 38
Views: 2145

Lily sez: It's hard for me to go downtown. Chicago, I mean. There're all these beggars who don't really need to beg, you see... Theyve got this...this organization. There's no proof, but you see the same people working the same street corners every day. And then you see the real vagrants, living out...
by Legacy
Sat Sep 22, 2007 2:01 pm
Forum: War Stories
Topic: My Friend
Replies: 64
Views: 20439

Hopefully everything's alright...

Mr. Caliburn, if you see this before you get out there, give 'em hell! If you see it after...well, we hope you gave 'em hell!