Search found 50 matches

by The Unnamable
Sun Feb 11, 2007 9:55 am
Forum: Classifieds
Topic: MISSING: Benjamin J. Holister
Replies: 341
Views: 23922

by The Unnamable
Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:46 am
Forum: Classifieds
Topic: MISSING: Benjamin J. Holister
Replies: 341
Views: 23922

by The Unnamable
Sat Dec 23, 2006 8:32 pm
Forum: Agency Voice
Topic: Stop Searching.....
Replies: 340
Views: 15379

"KonThaak.I am your father.... " (Hehehehe), let me try.. "Take us to your leader".(hehehe), too bad Snarg is missing out on this...hey look at me " I am shall tremble before me....becasue Im a raving idiot.." (Hehehehehe) More like a charred pile of ash now...
by The Unnamable
Tue Dec 19, 2006 11:30 pm
Forum: Agency Voice
Topic: Stop Searching.....
Replies: 340
Views: 15379

(As fire and death tear through his Palace of Pain)..." I was so close..victory was mine....curse you Lazlo Society....curse you all. One day The ANcients will be uneashed, as lng as there are those mortals who lust for power and embrace the darkness, I will be there......" (KKKAAABBOOOOOO...
by The Unnamable
Sun Dec 17, 2006 12:23 pm
Forum: Agency Voice
Topic: Stop Searching.....
Replies: 340
Views: 15379

ENOUGH OF THIS....(flas)...Back to the pit with you beast.Now that this menance has been disposed off..the rest of will folow (Unnatural darkness settles).....I have waited long enough...come and get me if you dare...the north portal is now open.
by The Unnamable
Sat Dec 16, 2006 1:32 pm
Forum: Agency Voice
Topic: Stop Searching.....
Replies: 340
Views: 15379

So....the blashpemer has arisen amongst the mice. How nice to see you again SLAVE! Have you forgotten who your masters are, what your purpose is. But if you insist that you have a conscious beyond that which we have given you beast, then by all means, destroy me. You know where to find me pit scum, ...
by The Unnamable
Fri Dec 15, 2006 9:45 am
Forum: Agency Voice
Topic: Stop Searching.....
Replies: 340
Views: 15379

(Suddnly amidst the morning sun a rift appears and so does Arawn) " Greetings followers of Lazlo...(he starts to burn) pain is nothing compared to what awaits you at the gates my placae (he is engulfed in flames at this point) The war has begun, Gehenna lies just beoynd the gates..we are r...
by The Unnamable
Thu Dec 14, 2006 5:32 pm
Forum: Agency Voice
Topic: Stop Searching.....
Replies: 340
Views: 15379

You miserble dare you make of mocery of our name to these humans. Take them away ...leave them to rot in pits, let these curs know what suffering is. We should have never allowed their kind into the palace. I hope that you enjoyed the humorous antics of those miserable imps. I assure yo...
by The Unnamable
Thu Dec 14, 2006 4:46 pm
Forum: Community Outreach
Topic: Roll Call
Replies: 532
Views: 177717

(Screech) here, need any help, this guy doesn'tknow he's doing....Ill join....Im a good spy, and (zzzaappp).

DAM IT! Ignore that, (grrrr_)
where did I start loosing control?

Thats go away.
by The Unnamable
Thu Dec 14, 2006 4:41 pm
Forum: Agency Voice
Topic: Join Us.
Replies: 31
Views: 1906

DAM IT......Ok, who spilled the locations of our agents...very well, Ill just slay the lot of you worthless minions...what do you mean I did, I would not e so stu.....(pause), DAMN IT. Lousy viewing sphere. (Blast) Ok, I feel cleansed, oh, and get me a new minion in here. Consider yourself fortunate...
by The Unnamable
Thu Dec 14, 2006 4:33 pm
Forum: Agency Voice
Topic: Join Us.
Replies: 31
Views: 1906

Toe hold....Bearshaman if only your pathetic society of inept hunters and investigators knew of my agents in New York, LA, Washington, New Orelans, and Mexico, it would make even the best of you cringe.....but you don't know, and you never will.

by The Unnamable
Thu Dec 14, 2006 1:37 pm
Forum: Agency Voice
Topic: Stop Searching.....
Replies: 340
Views: 15379

(echoing through the night sky) " Kill them all, do not let their allies worthless animated corpses, march on, take that building, kill all those inside, and feed upon their flesh.....HAHAHA... (Bonk...) Ok, who threw that....lousy gremlins, wait, I have a job for you guys....(H...
by The Unnamable
Thu Dec 14, 2006 11:41 am
Forum: Community Outreach
Topic: The Longest Night approaches
Replies: 35
Views: 2092

I will be watching my masters feast upon the souls of my fallen advesaries.

by The Unnamable
Thu Dec 14, 2006 11:18 am
Forum: Community Outreach
Topic: SNAFU
Replies: 18
Views: 851

You and your kind speak with imputence, besides I like to muli-task. I am EVIL, its what I do.
by The Unnamable
Thu Dec 14, 2006 11:15 am
Forum: War Stories
Topic: Major problems
Replies: 62
Views: 2523

Intelligence level of wood...I would not insult the wood. As for your intelligence....well a vast majority did walk with open arms right into my TRAP! Now, those of you who survive your past mistakes (snicker) will suffer a fate far worse than you could possibly imagine.
by The Unnamable
Thu Dec 14, 2006 11:08 am
Forum: Community Outreach
Topic: SNAFU
Replies: 18
Views: 851

Yes...continue to speak of your location. I too will send a "team" to aid you. Just tell me exactly where you are, and I can have them there the help very quickly.
by The Unnamable
Thu Dec 14, 2006 10:58 am
Forum: Agency Voice
Topic: Stop Searching.....
Replies: 340
Views: 15379

WITHDRAW my minions....back through the gates. The time for carnage against these defilers will come soon enough....for now allow the endless dead to do our fighting for us.....Yes champions of Lazlo, as with Fate, we throw back the viels of death itself, enjoy the reunion with those you have slain,...
by The Unnamable
Thu Dec 14, 2006 10:52 am
Forum: Agency Voice
Topic: Join Us.
Replies: 31
Views: 1906

So brazen....even t the last. I will see you all dead at my feet only to be raised to have your lifeless corpses march in my army.......speaking of raising the dead.....hummmmm, so many old adversaries, so little time.

Thank You gentlemen, you have given me a devious idea.
by The Unnamable
Wed Dec 13, 2006 8:58 am
Forum: Agency Voice
Topic: Join Us.
Replies: 31
Views: 1906

Desperate...perhaps. I never though to consider that. But only those with smething to loose become desperate. Besides I have nine hungry mouths to feed, and a buffet of 5 billon to prepare for. You still do not get it do you....

Tick tock gentelmen, tick tock.
by The Unnamable
Wed Dec 13, 2006 8:52 am
Forum: Agency Voice
Topic: Stop Searching.....
Replies: 340
Views: 15379

You are all more courageous than I gave you credit, but bravery and foolishness go hand in hand. Come then deciples of Lazlo, only a handful of you though, bring your worst. We are counting on it..... As for you FATE it is time you met yours. We will meet with you, face, to face, to face..... We kno...
by The Unnamable
Wed Dec 13, 2006 12:07 am
Forum: Agency Voice
Topic: Join Us.
Replies: 31
Views: 1906

Join Us.

Being that I am a fair man, I make this offer once, to all those of you amongst The Society that do not wish to suffer the same fate as those fools in Maine. A war is stirring in the shadows of this world. Soon that warwill stain the street red with the blood of the non believers. Why be amongst the...
by The Unnamable
Wed Dec 13, 2006 12:02 am
Forum: Conspiracy Theory, Myth or Reality?
Topic: I think the Government is following me
Replies: 21
Views: 2234

Clever deduction sheriff. Perhaps those like Mr. Fate can best resolve this issue though. In any case. You are getting warmer.
by The Unnamable
Tue Dec 12, 2006 11:58 pm
Forum: War Stories
Topic: Major problems
Replies: 62
Views: 2523

We can decipher it for you. Just give it to us. (sinister laughter).
by The Unnamable
Tue Dec 12, 2006 11:50 pm
Forum: Classifieds
Topic: Hello.
Replies: 97
Views: 5775

Hello again Mr. Fate, and those members of The Society. You are closer to the truth than you relize. It is disturbing what one might find when one scratches the surface. They may like what they see. Ever wonder how plans to attack The Society came off so smoothly. How I was able to pinpoint my prey ...
by The Unnamable
Tue Dec 12, 2006 11:44 pm
Forum: Community Outreach
Topic: (DELETED)
Replies: 35
Views: 1781

You have not been over looked Mr. Giest, it is my own personal preference that I choose the vampire. Your power would be useless to us, unless...... But I digress, the coldest killer amongst you.....I see I correct in my assumptions of the true inent of The Society. And I am called a monster. I do n...
by The Unnamable
Tue Dec 12, 2006 11:36 pm
Forum: Agency Voice
Topic: Stop Searching.....
Replies: 340
Views: 15379

COURTESY NOTE: Remember everyone you are in a nexus point, a big one. Just remeber to adjust youselves accordingly.
by The Unnamable
Tue Dec 12, 2006 10:49 pm
Forum: Agency Voice
Topic: Stop Searching.....
Replies: 340
Views: 15379

AARRRGGGHHHH..... (what do you mean that mortal got into the vualt, find him and slay him. If gets that back to their world this war will be over!) Why won't that man die! What...what do mean the viewer was on. They did not hear that did they. GGRrrrrr, just turn it off...Im going to slaughter some ...
by The Unnamable
Tue Dec 12, 2006 10:34 pm
Forum: Agency Voice
Topic: Stop Searching.....
Replies: 340
Views: 15379

Hello Mr.Long, I see that another mouse has come to taunt the cat. You mentioned those foolish enough to be here when I unleash Hell, and those who are to cowardly, much like yourself, to make an appearance. Probably wondering how to save their own necks from the executioner's axe. But by all means,...
by The Unnamable
Tue Dec 12, 2006 1:24 pm
Forum: Agency Voice
Topic: Stop Searching.....
Replies: 340
Views: 15379

Then it shall be you I first feed to miss Darken Shadowstalker. I think I would find that rather amusing.

And as for astute observation, I do not have a soul any longer. I am mearly a vessel, for my the will of my masters.
by The Unnamable
Tue Dec 12, 2006 1:06 pm
Forum: Agency Voice
Topic: Stop Searching.....
Replies: 340
Views: 15379

I see that more of you mice have come. Very well, but I am far from being unfair. TURN BACK NOW! or face the consequences. Continue to oppose tour will and you all suffer more pain, ore sufferng, and more deaths than any mortal mind could conceive. (BBOOOMMMM) Ok, who amongst you set the trap, was i...